Richard Batterham

Richard Batterham Pottery Richard Batterham died peacefully at his home in Dorset on 7 September 2021. Richard Batterham is acclaimed as one of the foremost makers of domestic stoneware in the world. At Sladers Yard we were honoured to sell his work annually and sometimes continuously over eleven years. Our most recent exhibition in March […]

Fiammma Colonna Montagu

Fiamma Colonna Montagu Circle of Life ‘Contrasting Elements’ Fiamma Colonna Montagu is an artist specialising in large-scale ceramic sculpture and site-specific commissions. Her vessels and small maquettes, often the first stage for large-scale work, are available alongside major pieces at Sladers Yard, set in the Dorset landscape that inspires her. We are also delighted to organise […]

Peter Hayes

Peter Hayes Ceramic sculptor Peter Hayes makes his timeless pieces with an attitude of playful curiosity. A recent trip to Oman has inspired a new way of marking his pieces with abstract patterns.  Peter Hayes has travelled and led projects in Africa, India, Japan and Korea, embracing many of the ideas and techniques he has observed […]

Akiko Hirai

Akiko Hirai Ceramics Moon Jar large All Akiko’s work has now sold. Let us know on if you would like a notification when new stock of her work arrives. We are happy to ship pots. Akiko Hirai was born in Japan in March 1970. She initially studied cognitive psychology in Japan and obtained her degree before […]

Gabriele Koch

Gabriele Koch Widely revered as a consummate artist in clay, Gabriele Koch’s ceramics are admired by collectors worldwide. Her search has always been for simplicity, restraint and beauty in her work. Recently she has been exploring new techniques and materials, finding ways to combine heavy black clay with white porcelain, and working with texture and […]

Franny Owen

Franny Owen Porcelain Vase Almost all of Franny Owen’s work has now sold. Let us know on if you would like a notification when new stock of her work arrives. We are happy to ship pots. Franny Owen has done many things extremely well in her career but she has found her metier in […]

Adela Powell

Adela Powell Ceramics New work now in and ready to see and buy online Bringing together techniques and ideas from a lifetime of ceramic-making, Adela Powell’s recent work has found a strong, free voice which we celebrate in this major exhibition.  Having studied natural sciences and made a habit of observing the natural world, including […]

Yo Thom

Yo Thom Yo Thom was born in Tokyo and now lives in Dorset. She came to England in 1996 to study 3D design at the Kent Institute of Art and Design. After her introductory year, she chose ceramics and completed an MA in Ceramics in 2000. Whilst studying at the college, she also worked for […]

Sue Ure

Sue Ure Ceramics Ceramics show now on Sue Ure’s finely thrown ceramics are made in porcelain mixed with white stoneware, glazed in her luscious matt colours and high fired, they are dishwasher- and microwave-safe and eminently practical. Affordable and a joy to behold. Sue Ure’s ceramics can be seen below by clicking on the image links […]

Paul Wearing

Paul Wearing Ceramics Ceramics show now on Paul Wearing is a ceramicist based within the Fireworks Clay Studios cooperative in Cardiff. He is a Selected Member of the Craft Potters Association of Great Britain and has studied ceramics to post graduate level. Since graduating in 2000 Paul has exhibited widely across the UK as well […]

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